Portret Agnieszki Rembiałkowskiej pochodzący z prywatnego archiwum.


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Virginia Woolf’s
Baltic Fellows.
On women writers
a century ago

24.08., godz. 12:00 - 13:30


She was born in 1980 in Włocławek and is a Balticist, academic teacher (University of Warsaw, ELTE in Budapest), translator, and editor. She has been publishing translations from Lithuanian and Latvian since 2005. Participant in literary projects and translation seminars, she is also the co-organizer of translation workshops and the Poetry Spring festival in Warsaw (since 2016). Member of Academia Salensis Association and Polish Literary Translators Association (www.stl.org.pl/profil/agnieszka-rembialkowska/).

In 2018, she won the translation prize at the Poezijos pavasaris international literary festival for her translations of poetry books by Sigitas Geda, Nijolė Miliauskaitė (with Alina Kuzborska) and Vladas Braziūnas. In 2022, she was awarded the Algis Kalėda Prize by the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore. Her translation of Štai, a poetry collection by Agnė Žagrakalytė, was nominated for the final of the European Poet of Freedom Award (2020), and the translation of Birutė Jonuškaitė's novel Maranta was nominated for the final of the Gdynia Literary Prize (2021).

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