Portret Waldemara Bawołka autorstwa Witolda Chronowskiego


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Waldemar Bawołek

24.08., godz. 13:30 - 14:30


Worked as a hygiene instructor in the Field Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, an independent procurement officer in the Nitrogen Works, managed the bakery of the Communal Cooperative Samopomoc Chłopska in Gromnik, performed physical work as a utility worker at the Commune Office in Ciężkowice. As a prose writer, he debuted in 1996 with a collection of short stories Delectatio morosa, published by the State Publishing Institute PIW. He later published La petite mort, Raz dokoła, To co obok, Humoreska, Echo słońca, Bimetal, Pomarli, Furtka przy dozorcy and Skrawki dla Iriny. For Pomarli he received the Gdynia Literary Award and a nomination for the Nike Literary Award. Previously, he was twice nominated for the Gdynia Literary Award. Since birth, he has lived in the small town of Ciężkowice in Małopolska, which lends its space to the literary world of his prose.

pic. Witold Chronowski