Portret Małgorzaty Żerwe autorstwa Aliny Żemojdzin


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Visual artist, publicist and radio documentalist, author of reportages, radio plays and texts on art, moderator of meetings and discussions. For over 20 years she worked for the Polish Radio, currently she works as a freelancer. She has won many national and international awards for radio reports on a wide range of subjects. She is a member of the Culture Council at the President of the City of Gdańsk. In 2020, she published the book Życie grobowe/Grave Life, combining image (photographs), word (micro-reportages) and sound (field recordings). This year she is presenting a retrospective exhibition 69. Wątki Małgorzaty Żerwe at the Gdańsk City Gallery and WL4.

pic. Alina Żemojdzin