Portret Arlety Galant z prywatnego archiwum.


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24.08., godz. 12:00 - 13:30


A literary historian and critic, Arleta Galant works at the Institute of Literature and New Media at the University of Szczecin. She is the author of the books Prywatne, publiczne, autobiograficzne (Warsaw 2010), Prowincje literatury. Polska proza kobiet po 1956 (Szczecin 2013), Zwroty krytyczne. Studia i szkice nie tylko o literaturze (Krakow 2018). She is the co-editor of several monographs on women's literature, the most recent literature, as well as contemporary literary communication (including Pisarstwo kobiet pomiędzy dwoma dwudziestoleciami, Kobieta, literatura, medycyna, Dwadzieścia lat literatury polskiej 1989-2009) and thematic issues of journals (including Poznańskie Studia Polonistyczne, Autobiografia, Czas Kultury). From 2016 to 2020, she was the coordinator of writing studies at the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Szczecin. Since 2015, she has been co-organizing a series of literary studies conferences in Pobierowo.

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