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Wit Szostak

22.08., godz. 15:30 - 16:30


Polish writer, author of novels, short stories, dramas and essays. He has published 14 literary books. His novels have been nominated for literary awards: the NIKE Literary Prize (Fuga 2013, Szczelinami 2023) and the Paszporty Polityki Award (Sto dni bez słońca 2015). His novel Dumanowski received a radio adaptation (the radio play was directed by Jan Klata) and two theatrical adaptations, on the stage of the National Old Theatre in Krakow. His dramas (Pogłosy and Obrzędy) have been staged in Wrocław, Lublin and Łódź. He has recently published the novel Rumowiska (2023).

Wit Szostak is a philosopher by training and works as a university professor at the Cracow University of Economics. Under his real name Dobroslaw Kot (the name Szostak is a literary pseudonym), he has recently published Tratwa Odysa. Esej o uchodźcach (2020), where, building on the wanderings of Odysseus, he asks philosophical questions about migration, exodus and the reception of the Other.

Wit Szostak lives in Krakow with his wife and three children.

pic. Piotr Tołłoczko