Weronika Morawiec Literacki Sopot media


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Stasia Budzisz
Jak znikają Kaszuby

22.08., godz. 19:00 - 20:00


A psychologist and art curator. Born in Katowice in 1985, she has been living in Poland or its surrounding areas for almost 40 years. On a daily basis she works as a therapist, but a few years ago she started a curatorial practice. She co-creates the NOKS collective, which organized one-night contemporary art galleries ON Public Gallery, including in Sopot. She also runs a group for people who work creatively and take care of others called Plenum Osób Opiekujących Się.  She has been cooperating with Literacki Sopot since the first hybrid edition in 2020, and the section Wokół Fantastyki has been her favorite part of the festival from the very beginning.

pic. from the private archive