Portret Maxa Cegielskiego autorstwa Dawida Zuchowicza


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Writer, curator, intercultural relations researcher. He made his debut with short stories published in the Brulion magazine in 1996, and his first book was Masala, which was published in 2002. Author of reportages, including Oko świata. Od Konstantynopola do Istambułu, for which he received the Beata Pawlak Award in 2009, and novels, including Prince Polonia about smugglers in India and Nazywam się Czogori about mountaneering in Pakistan. He previously published the Leksykon buntowników (Lexicon of rebels) about counterculture icons in the Agora publishing house. Author and curator of art projects and exhibitions. Among other things, he co-hosted Hala odlotów on TVP Kultura, which won the Grand Press award, and Xięgarnia on TVN24, which was honoured with an award from the Polish Book Chamber.

pic. Dawid Żuchowicz