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Aneta Prymaka-Oniszk
Kamienie musiały polecieć.
Wymazywana przeszłość Podlasia
US23.08., godz. 17:30 - 18:00
Andrzej Bart
Dybuk mniemany
RETURNS25.08., godz. 14:30 - 15:30
A radio and television journalist and a Romanist by education, for many years, she has worked for TOKFM Radio, where she is a publisher and a newscaster. She is also the host of Kultura Osobista and Godzina Kultury programmes, and the co-host of the Poczytalni programme. She is the author of Tamte lata, tamte dni - a TV series of meetings with people of culture.
pic. Michał Mutor