Portret Marcina Okoniewskiego autorstwa Oli Okoniewskiej.


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a Community in Bookmedia?

23.08., godz. 17:00 - 18:30


Journalist, filmmaker, populariser of reading, trainer in PR and influencer marketing. Creator of the Okoń w sieci channel on YouTube ( with over 40 thousand subscribers). Over the past seven years, he has produced almost four hundred videos on books, including a popular series of materials about Polish writers: Aneta Jadowska, Jakub Małecki or Radek Rak. He is a three-time nominee for the prestigious Grand Video Awards for best online video. Since his student days, he has dreamed of telling stories with words, but has so far locked all his writing aspirations in a drawer. He is currently working on his first book to be published in October 2024. The best ideas pop into his head in the shower. He has a weakness for pastries, Stephen King's prose, and is also the owner of a pet dog named Dior.

pic. Ola Okoniewska