Portret Katarzyny Surmiak-Domi


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Katarzyna Surmiak-Domańska

22.08., godz. 13:30 - 14:30


A reporter with a degree in Romance studies. For years, she has worked with the reportage section of Gazeta Wyborcza. Tutor and lecturer of the Polish School of Reportage at the Institute of Reportage, juror of the R. Kapuściński Award for Literary Reportage, member of the Polish PEN Club. Her first book was Mokradełko (2012) - a portrait of Halszka Opfer – the author of the famous Katotata - a study of sexual violence in the family, the status of the victim and the silence of witnesses. The book made it to the final of the NIKE Literary Award and was staged by Mikołaj Grabowski at Nowy Theatre in Poznań, and recently inspired a feature film directed by Kamila Tarabura, which will soon be released. Her other books include: Ku Klux Klan. Tu mieszka miłość (2015), about a journey to the deep south of the USA, which received a NIKE nomination; Kieślowski Zbliżenie - biografia which won the T. Torańska Newsweek Award; and Czystka of 2021 - a finalist for the Angelus Central European Literature Award. The author has been translated into Czech, Slovak and German.,

pic. Maciej Jaźwiecki / Agencja Wyborcza.pl