Portret Jolanty Zabarskaitė autorstwa Jonas Staselsi


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Mother tongue
– guardian of identity

23.08., godz. 18:30 - 20:00


She is a linguist specializing in semantics, the linguistic expression of narratives, and language performativity. She is the author of monographs, scholarly sources, and scientific articles. Her latest book How Language Produces Sense was published in 2023. Beyond her academic endeavors, she is deeply committed to the popularization of science. She has established interactive Language Museums, curated exhibitions, and written scripts for film and television. At the Lithuanian National Library of Martynas Mažvydas, she hosts her own talk shows Language Club and Language Club Plus. Additionally, she imparts her knowledge and experience through teaching students and conducting training sessions for teachers and professionals across various fields.

pic. Jonas Staselsi