Portret Jacka Świdzieńskiego autorstwa Justyny Solnicy.


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Jacek Świdziński

23.08., godz. 19:00 - 20:00


Cultural expert, Member of the Maszin group, author of comic books (including A niech cię, Tesla!, Zdarzenie. 1908, Wielka ucieczka z ogródków działkowych, Powstanie - film narodowy). Two-time winner of the award for the best Polish comic book album at the International Festival of Comics and Games in Łódź. In 2023, for his comic book Festival telling the story of the 5th World Festival of Youth and Students of 1955, he received the Paszporty Polityki Award and a nomination for the Wieslaw Kazanecki Literary Award. He has collaborated with "Przekrój", among others, Zachęta - National Gallery of Art, Bunkier Sztuki - a gallery of contemporary art, National Museum in Krakow, Warsaw Autumn Festival, Off Festival, and the Teatr Wielki - Polish National Opera. He is a comic columnist for the online culture magazine Dwutygodnik.com.

pic. Justyna Solnica