Portret Jacka Giszczaka pochodzący z prywatnego archiwum.


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About the language of inclusion

22.08., godz. 17:30 - 19:00


Studied Polish Studies at the Catholic University of Lublin and contemporary literature at Sorbonne-Paris IV University. He has translated seventy books by French authors (Proust, Cendrars, Genet, Houellebecq, Despentes, Littell, OuLiPo authors) and Francophone writers from Africa and the Antilles (Ben Jelloun, Ken Bugul, Laferrière, Mabanckou, Diop, Sarr, Trouillot, Lahens). He is the recipient of the Ryszard Kapuscinski Award (2010), the Literatura na Świecie monthly award (2015), the Lublin City Art Prize (2016), and was nominated for the Gdynia Literary Award (2016) and the Tadeusz Boy-Żeleński Translation Award (2017). He is a Chevalier of the French Order of Arts and Letters (2015).

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