Portret Doroty Karaś


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Dorota Karaś
Marek Sterlingow

24.08., godz. 17:30 - 18:30


Reporters from Gdansk originally from Gazeta Wyborcza. Dorota continues to write for the Tri-City editorial team to this day, most often on topics related to the city's past. She is also the author of the play Przebitka, the book Szafa, czajnik, obwodnica. Rozmowy z obcokrajowcami and the biography Cybulski. Podwójne salto.

Marek was a war correspondent in Afghanistan, in a series of reportages he covered, among other things, the true events of the Nangar Chel tragedy. He was also the first to describe the case of Iwona Wieczorek and reveal the most likely cause of her disappearance. After leaving Gazeta Wyborcza, he worked at Radio Gdansk until 2016.

Their first book together - the biography Walentynowicz. Anna szuka raju - was awarded the readers' prize in the Grand Press competition for the Reporters' Book of the Year and the Splendor Gedanensis award. The book was the basis for a theatrical adaptation of the play Nazywam się Anna Walentynowicz, directed by Anna Gryszkówna and staged by the Łaźnia Nowa Theatre in Krakow.

They like to write together; they believe that this allows them to look at the protagonist from different perspectives and to decide what is most relevant to their accurate portrayal. For them, Urban's biography is the story of the ups and downs of journalism. They address the book especially to colleagues from all editorial offices.

pic. Martyna Niećko