Dadny Kurdwanowska, fot. Alina


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About the language of inclusion

22.08., godz. 17:30 - 19:00


Head of the literary department of the City Culture Institute in Gdansk, where she is responsible for the coordination of the European Poet of Freedom, Found in Translation and Schopenhauer festivals, among others. Graduate of the SGH-Sciences Po Polish-French European Studies Programme. Psychogerontologist, book author and journalist. Previously, she worked, among others, at the Hospice Foundation, the Sukces Pisany Szminką Foundation and the Sopot Library; she has organised and conducted a number of author meetings. Founder of the Czytam w wannie project.  At USWPS she teaches classes on communication and legal aspects in caring for a sick relative and communication in bereavement. She also provides training in intergenerational team building and Diversity & Inclusion. She has published in Twój Styl, Przekrój, Onet, Pismo and Vogue, to name a few. She is the author of the book Uważna, czuła i odważna. Jak pielęgnować w sobie dobro (Rebis, 2022).

pic. Alina Żemojdzin