Anna Dudzińska Literacki Sopot media


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She is a radio reporter associated with Radio Trójka and collaborates with the podcast Raport o stanie świata (State of the World Report). For 4 years she was a foreign correspondent of the Polish Radio in the United Arab Emirates. Since leaving her beloved Silesia for Dubai, she has been reporting on people she met on the road. In addition to her interest in radio reportage, she is fascinated by architecture and talks to designers. Her radio stories have been honoured, among others, with the Prix Italia (together with Anna Sekudewicz), the Ryszard Kapuściński Award, the Grand Press and the Golden Melchior Prize. A reporter’s book about Dubai - Dubaj. Miasto innych ludzi., which is her debut, was published in 2022 by the Marginesy publishing house. 

pic. Radosław Kaźmierczak