Her first novel, Un cal într-o mare de lebede – A Horse in a Sea of Swans (Nemira Publishing House, 2018), won the national debut prizes “Sofia Nădejde” and “Observator Cultural” and was shortlisted for the Festival du Premier Roman de Chambéry (France). Her second novel, Teo de la 16 la 18 – Teo from 16 to 18 (Nemira Publishing House, 2021), was shortlisted for several national prizes and Romania's finalist to the European Union Prize for Literature (2022). It is currently being translated into Albanian, Polish and Spanish. Raluca's most recent book is a memoir titled Despre memoriile femeii și alţi dragoni (On the woman's memories and other dragons) [Nemira Publishing House, 2023], also shortlisted for the “Observator Cultural” prize for Essay.
As of January 2023, she is part of the laconic.ro team, a Romanian flash fiction platform.
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