Portret Macieja Jakubowiaka autorstwa Zofii Dimitrijević.


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Maciej Jakubowiak
Hanka. Opowieść o awansie

24.08., godz. 15:30 - 16:30


An essayist, deputy editor of Dwutygodnik magazine.  Author of the books Hanka. Opowieść o awansie (Czarne, 2024), Ostatni ludzie. Wymyślanie końca świata (Czarne, 2021) and Nieuchronny plagiat (2017). Winner of the Adam Włodek Award, nominated for the Stanisław Barańczak Award and the Grand Press Award. Since 2021, juror of the Literary Award of the City of Warsaw, and since 2024 of the Poznan Literary Award.  A vegan, amateur hockey player, he comes from Żory. He lives in Krakow with his wife, daughter and two mutts.

pic. Zofia Dimitrijević